On July 3, the ceremonial opening event for the two new graduate schools, the International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life (IMPRS-ML) and the International Max Planck Research School - Biological Intelligence (IMPRS- BI), took place in the well-filled lecture hall of the Max Planck Institutes in Martinsried. After a short introduction by John Briggs (vice speaker of IMPRS-ML), Herwig Baier (speaker of IMPRS-BI) and Brenda Schulman (speaker of IMPRS-ML) introduced the scientific focus of the two schools.
Isolde von Bülow, director of the Graduate Center at LMU, gave insider tips in her short talk „7 Secrets of Success in Graduate Education.“ Yunmin Wu, former doctoral student at the predecessor school, gave a review of her IMPRS-LS time. Hans-Jörg Schäffer, long-time program coordinator of the predecessor graduate school International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Life Sciences (IMPRS-LS) announced his retirement and introduced Camila Hernandez Frederick as the new head of IMPRS-ML. The day was rounded up with a look into the future as well as introductions of all IMPRS coordinators and a reception.